I got up at 5:30am to drive up to Westcliffe, Colorado. A total of 2.5 hours in torrential rain. Did hair and makeup for 5 people and then it was straight off to my next job - for TEEN VOGUE! Yes, they were having a grand opening party at a store in Park Meadows and I was part of the "entertainment" provided. A few hours doing makeup on 12-15 year olds is an exhausting day in itself!! Especially when you've just driven 5 hours on 4 hours of sleep.
The was one highlight to my drive?? The world's biggest rocking chair, and a cow. Welcome to rural Colorado.

I came home to a nice suprise in my inbox. Here are some of the finals from the shoot with Sam Trojanovich (www.trojanphoto.com).
Aren't they AWESOME?!?!! Steffie looks so beautiful (as always).
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